Craft Hair Society
“Education: It’s not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” -Albert Einstein

Anyone can do hair, repeat a technique, and many can do it well. The difference that makes a craft hairstylist, is the way you make the client feel when they leave the chair.
Zone Cutting Systems
As a new stylist, I tried to absorb all the education and information I could. After trying to memorize about 10 haircuts that didn’t make sense, but I could repeat them, I felt so overwhelmed and defeated. I decided I would just trim long hair and specialize in color, cutting just wasn’t my thing. WRONG.
Something about learning the different zones of the head shape, and my mind figuring out how to “create” and “remove” corners, it just clicked! That’s all we’re really doing…when a client is having an issue with a haircut, I guarantee it either a corner that needs to be removed, or lack of one.
90, 45, graduated, weight…I knew how to answer these on a test, but didn’t truly understand what they did or why.
Let me show you how to truly understand haircutting, based on 4 zones, that’s it. Create a square, or a circle. Think about it, what’s the quickest way to create a perfect circle? Make a square, fold it in half, and half again, and cut the corners. There’s no difference with haircutting. Make a corner, then remove it where you want to round. You don’t need 100 subsections and tracking guides, meaning 100 chances to get lost and loose your guide. 🤯
So. If beauty school 90 degree haircuts and traveling guides caused panic attacks behind the chair, this is the system for you! Let me help you master 4 basic haircuts, that will be your bread and butter, with full creative freedom from there!
✨Short Square (Surfer Shag)-making corners
✨Short Round (Pixie)-removing corners
✨Medium to Long Square (Blunt with movement)-creating and removing corner on longer hair
✨Medium to Long “Round” (Weighted Layers)- creating corners, removing them to create cascading layers of any length that will always blend
The Chairside Manner
This course, The Chairside Manner, is a fast tracked system to get you spend more time in your specialty and favorite services, with clients who fully trust and support you, your craft and your professionalism. Gone are the days wondering where your rent will come from. You want the clients that tell everyone about you and fill your books for you. The ones who with every referral slowly build your army of supporters.
With The Chairside Manner, you will create your own dream schedule, and learn to attract, connect and keep your specific niche craft clientele using the Cultivating Craft Clients Method.
With this method, you will learn what your ideal day and clients look like,create a brand marketed to your craft clients, and how to get them in your chair through social media. You will then learn conversation techniques to connect on a deeper level with each guests and how to utilize the chairside manner to turn your guests into your devoted, loyal craft clientele.
Do what you love and the money will come! It's not about the number of clients you have that make you financially successful. It's having the right ones that are willing to pay you what you want, for doing the job that you love. To build the clientele that we want to support the life we want to live, that's true success. This course is designed to find and hook the ones with the same love for your craft as you have. I call them your Craft Clients.
I've been there!! I've seen it! I've watched from the sidelines as a salon coordinator, beside it as an assistant, and for myself over the past decade behind the chair. I would cry in the back room because of the way clients had treated me, I've fired enough of them and prayed to the hair gods that they would find someone else. It took me a long time to realize I didn't need to be the stylist waiting for the walk in, hoping we vibed. I needed to go out there and get them for myself! Gone are the days of passing out cards at the mall. It's so simple now with social media to use to create your dream clientele! The ones that stay with you and cheer you on as your prices increase, and you get busier. The ones who want to be the first to try the new technique you learned and aren't just trying to get free services. It's time to level up your clients along with your business and client retention!
I've felt that there was always something missing that wasn't being taught early on in this industry. I was told you had to learn everything and if you didn't like it, spend more time learning it until you understand it more, then you can take whoever walk in the door with confidence. Don't get me wrong, I was thank that I was taught to learn haircuts I was uncomfortable with, but it also forced me to create a clientele base that didn't leave me feeling passionate at the end of the day. I've seen so many hairstylist leave this industry because of lack of nothing other than a solid clientele. Some of the most talented, and passionate people, discouraged because they were thought the service techniques were everything and if you could master them, your would be successful. Well, this couldn't be further from the truth. We are taught to do hair, but not be a hairstylist, to create without direction. So I decided to take my experience behind the chair, with the skills I've learned from my communications degree, and created a course on the part of this industry that I felt was lacking.
This is my favorite part of the course! Before I decided to finally go to beauty school, I had gotten a communications degree, focusing on human connection. I took so many psychology, sociology and communication courses, I ended up with 2 degrees. I thought this path would take me to being a therapist, a mental health advocate, or at least a way to help others feel better about themselves. 15 years later, and I released that's exactly what I do, everyday, for my clients. We are therapists, mental health advocates, an un bias listening ear, a pick me up when they're feeling down, and so much more than just a hairstylist. This is truly what being apart of craft hair society is all about. Hair is our craft, our passion, and our clients are the focus of it all.
Learn my top 4 requested haircuts for over a decade, Anything can be created from thes core shapes. Understand the core modern concepts of haircutting, based on a 4 zone system. This system can be used for ANY haircut, short, long, round and square.
This spotlight course will help you identify, attract and keep your ideal clients, learn deeper connection skills, branding and marketing tecniques, "chairside manner," and how to incorporate this all together to build your dream book of clientele, and thrive behind the chair!